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Can Methods Do Good? Ethnologia Fennica -

Multispecies Ethnography. Ethnography is a branch of anthropology. It is qualitative research with a focus on understanding people and cultures. 2015-09-15 · Both approaches offer important ways for understanding social relations, but they don’t quite work for multispecies ethnography. Let’s consider studying up. Karen Ho’s (Ho 2009) excellent ethnography of Wall Street illustrates the importance of this methodology: banks have separate elevators that take their back-office, middle-office, and executive workers up the floors of the bank and Multispecies ethnography emerged at the intersection of three interdisciplinary strands of inquiry: environmental studies, science and technology studies (STS), and animal studies. Departing from classically ethnobiological subjects, useful plants and charismatic animals, multispecies ethnographers also brought understudied organisms—such as insects, fungi, and microbes—into 342); rather, multispecies ethnography must “address multispecies injustice, suffering, and unidirectional vio-lence” (p.

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In a lesson on multispecies ethnography, I would want students to gain a clear understanding of the importance of always putting ethnography first. 342); rather, multispecies ethnography must “address multispecies injustice, suffering, and unidirectional vio-lence” (p. 351) and, I would add, that it ought to reckon with and transform researchers’ own complicity and par-ticipation in violence against animals. This course, “Do-ing Multispecies Ethnography,” and the writing of this 2020-04-15 Multispecies ethnography builds on late 20th-century anthropology’s “reflexive turn,” in which disciplinary self-critique became a focal point of ethnographic texts marked by heightened narratorial self-consciousness and, in the case of Routes, a significantly expanded definition, informed by comparative diaspora studies, of who qualifies as “cosmopolitan.” Eben Kirksey catalyzed dialog at the Multispecies Salon as a curator, an artist, an ethnographer, and editor. Exploring the interplay of ideas about hope and collaboration has led Eben to cross conventional disciplinary divides and contribute to theoretical conversations in … Spillover Anthropology: Multispecies Epidemiology and Ethnography.

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A novel approach to writing culture, multispecies ethnography, has come of age. Plants, animals, fungi, and microbes are appearing alongside humans in accounts of natural and cultural history.

Multispecies ethnography

‪Fredrik Aspling‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Alberti, Benjamin Multispecies archaeology. London: Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 4. (1), 271–280.

In both my ethnographic film and psychological anthropology classes, I use film extensively. 14 May 2019 This multispecies ethnography reveals the transformations of Canela human- environment and human-plant engagements over the past two  Multispecies Ethnography PIERS LOCKE University of Canterbury, New Zealand Multispecies ethnography represents a more-than-human approach to  1 Mar 2018 heartland of an EU-configured welfare-state—this article is a contribution to the multispecies ethnography and political ecology of wastelands  av L Tallberg · 2020 — Tallberg , L , Huopalainen , A & Hamilton , L 2020 , ' Can Methods Do Good? Ethnology and Multi-species Research as a Response to  Multispecies ethnography emerged at the intersection of three interdisciplinary strands of inquiry: environmental studies, science and technology studies (STS),  Compare prices, free shipping worldwide. Find the best deal instantly. Popular bookstores: Book Depository, Blackwells Books, Amazon, Abe Books and more. Ethnology and Multi-species Research as a Response to Covid-19 mul- tispecies ethnography, crystallization, feminist dog-writing and  DSV, Stockholm University - ‪‪Dikutip 83 kali‬‬ - ‪HCI‬ - ‪Animal-Computer Interaction‬ - ‪Multispecies Ethnography‬ - ‪Ethnomethodology‬ - ‪Sociology‬ DSV, Stockholm University - ‪‪Cited by 84‬‬ - ‪HCI‬ - ‪Animal-Computer Interaction‬ - ‪Multispecies Ethnography‬ - ‪Ethnomethodology‬ - ‪Sociology‬ Tallberg, L., Huopalainen, A., & Hamilton, L. (2020). Can Methods Do Good?
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Multispecies ethnography

Can Methods Do Good? Ethnology and Multi-species Research as a Response to  This turn to multispecies and more-than-human anthropology has posed new ontological, epistemological, and methodological questions. anthropology of energy, environmental intersectionality and the co-production of race and nature, multispecies ethnography, climate justice and environmental  Institute, The Australian National University - ‪‪Citerat av 695‬‬ - ‪human-animal‬ - ‪visual anthropology‬ - ‪multispecies ethnography‬ - ‪Mongolia‬ - ‪Arnhem Land‬ Butik Plant Kin: A Multispecies Ethnography in Indigenous Brazil. En av många artiklar som finns tillgängliga från vår Vetenskap, medicin & natur avdelning här  Drawing on a combination of multispecies ethnography and legal geography, the research explores the co-constitutive relationship between law, space and  This book provides an ethnographic contribution to research on children's Multispecies ethnography is an approach that aims to consider the agency of  We inquire into ways of understanding plant interaction through a triangulation of four approaches: a multispecies ethnography of people's ordinary practices  av SB Ullberg · 2019 — Andrea Petitt, Centrum för genusvetenskap, Uppsala universitet: "Ethnography of a gendered multi-species triad".

“Loving Guinea Pigs in Peru: Life, Death and the. (  1 Nov 2010 Multispecies ethnographers are studying the host of organisms whose lives and deaths are linked to human social worlds. A project allied with  ANTH410: Multispecies Anthropology: Other Species in Human Life. Piers Locke Kirksey, E & S Helmreich 2010 The Emergence of Multispecies Ethnography.
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Plants, animals, fungi, and microbes appear alongside humans in this singular book  While there is clearly lots (more) to be said about questions of artistic practices with animals (including multispecies ethnography), and what  While there is clearly lots (more) to be said about questions of artistic practices with animals (including multispecies ethnography), and what  Studies Archaeology and Anthropology, Mesolithic Archaeology, and Landscape Archaeology. BA in Prehistoric Archaeology / fil.kand. i arkeologi. ecologies, post-colonial ethnographies, and the design of technology, artistic practices with animals (including multispecies ethnography),  Dr Gonvindrajan is Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of of multispecies ethnography, environmental anthropology, the anthropology of  My background is in urban geography and visual anthropology with a research informed by more-than-human geographies and multispecies ethnographies.

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‪Natasha Fijn‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

2015-11-30 Multispecies ethnography is a rubric for a more-than-human approach to ethnographic research and writing rapidly gaining discursive traction in anthropology and cognate fields. The term is Multispecies ethnography is an approach that aims to consider the agency of nonhuman life forms and their social, historical, and ecological connectivity with human life. Extending the ethnographic gaze, it explores the ways other life forms are implicated with human lives, landscapes, and technologies, whether terrestrial, airborne, aquatic, or Drawing on these and other aspects, Stefan Helmreich and Eben Kirksey and others have described a “multi-species ethnography” that can include human-animal interactions as well as relations between a number of different types of organisms of wildly different types.